Tuesday, November 07, 2006

After Philosophy

Joan Miró
- Nocturne (1940)

"The spectacle of the sky overwhelms me. I'm overwhelmed when I see, in an immense sky, the crescent of the moon, or the sun. There, in my pictures, tiny forms in huge empty spaces. Empty spaces, empty horizons, empty plains - everything which is bare has always greatly impressed me."
Joan Miró

"The problem with philosophy is the passage from the knowledge of limited objects to the knowledge of the entirety of what is."

From Aphorisms for the "System" by Georges Bataille

"A multiplicity is, in the most basic sense, a complex structure that does not reference a prior unity. Multiplicities are not parts of a greater whole that have been fragmented, and they cannot be considered manifold expressions of a single concept or transcendental unity."

From The Deleuze Dictionary - (ed.) Adrian Parr