Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840): Landscapes Of The Soul
Before Sunrise, 1830-34
Hill and Ploughed Field Near Dresden, 1824
The Garden Terrace, 1811-12
Evening, 1824
The Evening Star, 1830-35
Moonrise over the Sea, 1821
By intuition, Mightiest Things
Assert themselves — and not by terms —
"I'm Midnight" — need the Midnight say —
"I'm Sunrise" — Need the Majesty?
Omnipotence — had not a Tongue —
His lisp — is Lightning — and the Sun —
His Conversation — with the Sea —
"How shall you know"?
Consult your Eye!
Emily Dickinson
Musique Du Jour: Symphoniae (Spiritual Songs), Hildegard von Bingen